3/8/2025 0 Comments Saturday evening March 8, 2025Another fantastic day!! Strawberry supply was incredible this morning but started to wane by late afternoon. Not to worry though because we have a entire field reserved for tomorrows crowd and it is LOADED. As always though, the earlier you come to opening the better. So far the season is looking good. We hope to have Strawberries all the way through April and possibly May.
Important for Sunday March 9 picking: The Farm opens at 1pm on Sundays in the Spring. The greatest supply of giant red ripe luscious Strawberries will be on the LEFT side of the road. Turn left at the FIELD TRIP sign and proceed to the parking on your left.. There are berries in the fields at the main farm but not as many. The Tulip field needs a little more time to make more blooms. Don't come for Tulips tomorrow. Hope to see you soon!
3/7/2025 0 Comments Friday evening March 7, 2025It warms our hearts to see so many smiling faces. Our customers are absolutely the best! The Strawberry fields are putting on a show. I am thinking we need to sell sideboards for the boxes because I have seen them piled high with berries. The worst thing ever is to fill your box in the middle of the row, I guarantee you will add a few more layers by the time you get out of the field. Tomorrows picking will be fantastic and I'm pretty sure Sundays will be too.
The Tulip field is being a bit stubborn with their blooms. I think Strawberries should be the priority and give the Tulips a little more time to produce. Folks will still be able to get in the flower patch but I don't feel there is a very good selection at thee moment. Hope to see you soon!! 3/6/2025 0 Comments Thursday evening March 6It was a great opening day!!!!! Loads of beautiful berries were picked and there are loads left for tomorrow and the weekend. We will post again tomorrow evening but I am sure there will be plenty of berries for Saturday and probably Sunday too. The picture below was just taken - multiply that row by 160.
The Tulip field is probably no more than 10% bloom. We are allowing folks to pick them but in my opinion, the field is not picture worthy yet. Yehaw! The season has begun and all we are missing is you! 3/5/2025 1 Comment Wednesday March 5, 20253pm -- We survived the great wind storm of 2025! and I am happy to report the fields are loaded with luscious red Strawberries! History says customer flow starts a little slow and gathers steam. I believe we will have lots and lots of berries to pick through the weekend with lots more berries to come next week. but as always, check here the day before you come out just to make sure. Soooo many berries are available that the problem is going to be stopping the harvest. There are some frost and wind damaged berries to watch for when picking. Just discard those damaged berries on the ground as you pursue that beautiful box of gorgeous red berries.
The Tulip field has not changed much from Mondays post - take a look there for Tulip picking.. The Sweet Berry Express Barrel Train, Goat Racers, Paint a Pot, Sandart and the Berry Bounce will all be running throughout the Spring. We are sorry to say that we will not offer Pony rides in the near term - they will be missed. We are blooming excited to get this Spring started and can't wait to see you again. 3/3/2025 2 Comments Monday March 3, 2025We are going to start this spring season off with a BANG! Opening Thursday March 6th for the spring season!
The strawberries are loving this weather and there will be plenty to pick Thursday thru Saturday. Stay tuned for picking updates for Sunday. The tulips are finally making their appearance at the farm. We have several varieties blooming but they are scattered all over the field. So no stunning field pictures just yet. Our tulips are a bit short this year due to the heat, but our bouquet makers will be sure to get them looking nice in your bouquet! Maybe your photographer will be able to get you great shots too! Starting tomorrow we will be posting daily photos of our tulip field on social media so you can determine the best time to for you to come. The goats are the most excited to have people back on the farm. They are missing all the pets our wonderful customers give. See you soon! 2/24/2025 2 Comments Monday February 24,2024They survived!!! We have been pulling covers off plants today and are happy to report that the they look pretty good considering the cold weather we had last week.
Tulips - love it cold. The plants look good and almost half the field is showing greenery. We see buds deep inside some of the plants but feel we are still a week or two away from harvesting flowers. Ranunculus ---- The plants are amazing in the areas where we were able to keep the cover from touching the foliage. 90% of the field looks better than ever before. We are looking for those amazing flowers in late March. Strawberries ---- there are a ton of green berries. We lost some of the blooms under the covers, which are a bit more cold sensitive than the berries so we might see a small slow down in production late March. Overall the fields look to be in very good shape and we are in line for a big season. We are expecting amazing weather the rest of the week which will kick start the Farm again. We are hoping to have ripe berries starting Thursday March 6 so get ready, Spring is almost here! Ye Haw! 2/18/2025 0 Comments Tuesday February 18, 2025Wow, that's what you call a cold front! Warm this morning and then about 3pm the front blew through and things changed quickly. A cold couple of days is in the forecast with temps tomorrow night predicted in the teens. I would prefer it stay in the 20's but I wasn't asked. The Strawberries and Ranunculus are covered which should mitigate any profound damage from hard freezing weather. The Tulips will love it!
Lets see how the next few days shake out but I would not be surprised to be announcing an Farm Opening in two weeks. Get ready! 2/12/2025 1 Comment Wednesday February 12, 2025 A lot to do and not much time to do it in .......... or in reality ........ a lot to do and we don't feel like there is enough time to do it in. We are guilty of making this long list of things to get done and then going in panic mode by its length. If we just pick one thing at a time off the list it all gets done with ample time to spare.
Seeing Tulip sprouts gives us the jitters and puts in a time crunch. Those shoots should mean we are within three weeks of flowers, warm weather advances the plants and cold weather retards them. At the moment, our best guess is too be open by the end of this month Yes! Yikes! We moved the Tulip field to a another part of the farm where we could increase its size by 2/3rds over last year. This means setting up check in/check out barn and places to wrap the flowers. Then there is the issue of getting the rest of the Farm ready to open while dealing with nuisance freezes. This year is playing right along with the last few. A very cold spell (two weeks ago), followed by a big warm up (last week), followed by "is going to freeze tonight or not?" (this week). The Strawberry fields are loaded with blooms so we are not taking any chances. Most of the fields have frost covers on them for the rest of this week. The forecast for the next few days flirts with 32 degree nights. As mentioned, the Strawberry plants are in good shape and loaded with blooms that should equate to early March berries. It is going to be a great year, especially if you can make it out. We will start posting more often to keep everyone informed. 1/17/2025 0 Comments Friday January 17, 2025Happy New Year!!! We hope you had a wonderful Holiday season and a great start to the new year.
We have been busy/not busy here on the Farm. There are lots of things to do but we are not doing them too fast. That is about to change though as Spring time marches forward. It is hard to say Spring Time with frigid temperatures in the forecast in the coming days. The Strawberry plants have been covered with Frost Covers We are not trying to protect blooms at this time, instead we are attempting to keep the plants in the upper teens or above. Mid to low teens are in the forecast for early next week. The covers normally give us about 5 degrees or so of warmth.. Strawberry plants are pretty cold hardy and will easily live through ten degrees but the emerging bloom is not as tough and could be damaged even down in the crown of the plant.. Generally, we have this artic blast in mid January, a warm up late January and then nuisance freezes between warm spells through February/March. Overall the plants seem to be in pretty good shape. We have thousands more viable plants at this time compared to previous years so we are hoping for a stellar season. Things can change on a dime but ....... so far, so good! Tulips! Ranunculus! and more flowers! 30,000 Ranunculus have been planted as well as 90,000 Tulips and a few thousand other flowers. Tulips will be first in late February followed by Ranunculus in March. Last year was a tough Tulip season. We were only able to secure 30,000 bulbs and while they did come up and we had a lot of flowers, the field was just not very impressive. Hopefully by tripling the planting the field will be more picture worthy and a greater selection of flowers will be available. Tulip season is a tricky animal with more things to go wrong than right. Here we go though as we give it another shot. 11/30/2024 0 Comments Saturday November 30thLast Call for Fall!
Tomorrow will be the last day of the fall season. We will have berry picking, hayrides, mazes, and more! The Farm will close for winter Dec. 2nd and remain closed until we see tulip blooms (typically in late February). We want to thank all of our amazing customers for a truly special fall! |
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